November 6, 2022

Author Interview: Scarlett Chase

Tell us a little about yourself: your background, random fun facts, how you first started writing, how long you’ve been writing. 

I have always loved to read, I’ve been reading since I learned how to. I loved diving into new worlds and living with different characters. There were many times before I decided to be an author that I would rewrite scenes or endings to movies, TV shows, and books in my head. I would watch it unfold like a movie. When I realized that I could tell my own stories with the different ideas I had, I decided to start writing. I started writing my first book years before it finally came out on December 1st, 2021. Random facts about me: I LOVE food and I Hobbit multiple times a day. I am fluent in English and Spanish, used to be fluent in French, so I need to start practicing that again. I want to be fluent in Italian as well. 

Tell us about your upcoming/recently released book – what it’s about, what inspired the book/series, what you’re excited about, spice level.

My upcoming release is actually an anthology. Authors Rebecca Rathe and Salem Cross decided to head this up after the overturn of Roe v. Wade. I was lucky enough to be considered and I just couldn’t turn this opportunity down. All F*ck the Patriarchy proceeds will be going to NARAL Pro-Choice America. Our anthology is available for ebook preorders now and will release this November 8th and paperback copies will become available then as well. 11 authors bring 11 stories from Contemporary to Supernatural, M/F to RH, with varying spice levels. Our common theme is a strong FMC. My particular story is M/F. It features a professional Domme who is roommates with a tech nerd that gives off sub vibes. Out of 5, the spice level in my story is a solid 3. 

Who is your favorite character in your book/series? Why?

Well, I’ve only written one book and this story for the anthology, so the available character list to choose from is very small right now. I would have to say that Leo from my first book, Between Pages and Sheets, is my favorite character as of now. He is a great book boyfriend. Leo’s funny, romantic, hot, charismatic, he can cook and dance, and he is a Romance author for crying out loud. Not to mention his bedroom skills…

What is your writing process? Show us a day (or week) in the life.

Most of the time, I write on days I don’t have adulty work in the way. I like to try and wear a necklace when I’m going to write. Which one I wear depends on what I’m writing. If I wake up hungry, breakfast comes first. If I don’t wake up hungry, I go straight to my Spotify playlist called “I’m Unstoppable” which is filled with songs that help get me excited. Get my heart pumping and yes, I dance and rock to them because you can’t not with those songs. While the music is going, I boot up my laptop and open all the files I need to start writing. I’ll stop the music once I’m ready and then read over a few pages (or a few paragraphs) of what I last wrote. I picture this unfolding like a movie in my head which helps me pick up where I left off. Sometimes I need to sit and picture where the rest of the scene was going before I can start writing again and other times I know exactly how it was going to go. On great days, the words just flow out of me so fast it’s sometimes hard for my fingers to keep up with my brain. On good days, it’s more slow but steady or interrupted by my needing to look something up before I keep writing. I don’t force myself to write when nothing’s coming out. I’d rather be productive with other author stuff I need to do than sit in front of my laptop for 4 hours and write 2 paragraphs (learned that the hard way). I keep writing until it’s time to eat a snack or a meal and with my fast metabolism, it happens more often than you’d think. On these days, I will write all day to make up for the days I work and can’t write.

What keeps you motivated to write?

The need to write a story so I can share it. Sometimes the ideas I get just need to be told and shared, they consume my mind until I start getting the story out. My alpha reader, work wifey, and librarian (she prefers that over PA) Kayy. Her enthusiasm and encouragement for my stories as well as her reactions also keep me motivated. She really helps keep me sane and focused as well as helping with so many things. I’m really lucky to have her in my corner. My readers also help keep me motivated. Sometimes reading reviews, reactions, or comments on my fanfiction on Wattpad helps me on days that I feel frustrated or overwhelmed. They mean a lot and I LOVE reading reactions.

What do you do when you’re not writing?

When I’m not writing, you can find me reading, eating, watching a show or movie, coloring, or sleeping. Or doing the adulty things like chores and work. That’s like 95% of my life honestly. The quarantine didn’t really change my life much XD

What subgenres or tropes are your favorites to read?

Oh, seven hells. This is a tough question for a Ravenclaw. Genres I usually read are Romance, Fantasy, YA, Supernatural, and Thriller. I read TONS of subgenres, especially in Romance, so I’m not touching that one. Some of my favorite tropes in Romance: RH (seriously, why choose between peen?), enemies to lovers, forbidden/taboo, age gap, retellings, and dudes who will burn the world for her, touch her and die vibes.

Are you a cat person or a dog person?

1000% a dog person. I don’t know if it’s because I was around dogs growing up or because I’ve not been around cool cats, but there it is. I’m also allergic to some cats so that doesn’t help their case. Dogs are just so awesome, quick to get excited about things with you even if they have no idea what’s going on. Dogs, my dudes.

What’s your reading drink and snack of choice?

I actually don’t really snack while I read. Sitting here trying to think about the last time I snacked while I read…I’ll go with either dry cereal like Corn Pops or Honey Nut Cheerios or fruit (grapes, strawberries, pomegranate seeds). I usually drink water if I drink while I read. Maybe hot chocolate when it gets cold enough.

Where is your perfect reading spot?

The couch because it’s huge and comfy. I can sit or lie down and shift positions easily.

What’s your favorite book / or #1 comfort re-read / or the #1 book you recommend to everyone?

*Sweats in Ravenclaw and frantically looks through giant list* Ok, but like…under what genre? Gotta help me narrow this down. Oh, my days. Ok, I’ll say either the Harry Potter series or the Percy Jackson series. You can never go wrong with YA. It sends you on a rollercoaster ride of awesomeness.

Who or what has had the most influence on you as a writer?

Reading my whole life has had the most influence on me as a writer. You learn story structure, character development, story development, etc when you read so often for so long. It showed me the differences between a story in first person vs. third person, past and present tense, and how all this impacts a reader. I know how to approach things as a writer since I’m very well versed in what a reader looks for. You really do have to be a reader too if you want to be a writer.

Where can readers find you online? 

Oh! I have a new thing! *Pulls out handy dandy notebook* Here you go, my dudes.

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