October 30, 2022

Author Interview: Rebecca Rathe

Tell us a little about yourself.

I’m a mom of two boys that used to be cool—I used to sing in a band and ran a live music charity project—but when my kids were born I sort of lost myself for a while. I’ve always written, but finally decided (with the encouragement of my best friend Anne) to put my writing out there. It’s literally a lifelong/childhood dream come true!

Tell us about your upcoming/recently released book – what it’s about, what inspired the book/series, what you’re excited about, spice level.

My upcoming release (my third book!) is a DARK paranormal why-choose romance centered around a woman who was born into very unforgiving circumstances. She’s a succubus, but doesn’t want to hurt people. She takes a job as an assassin so that she’s at least putting “her curse” to use for good. The Dzhavo are a fearsome team of four elite demons who are assigned to capture, interrogate, and kill her. But they decide to keep her for themselves, getting answers in the most brutal ways. To keep her alive, they have to “feed” her sexual energy, and it gets really interesting. It’s SUPER spicy! I’m most excited about the subtle underlying plot about prejudice, and the way it explores politics and religion.

Who is your favorite character in your book/series? Why?

Oh jeeze—I’m a why choose author, ma’am!!! They were each my favorite in different ways. Diya, my fmc, is fierce and badass, but also soft and realistic. Adram is domineering and controlling, but also secretly unsure of himself. Rett is a massive brutal beast that finds his inner cinnamon roll (and he has a huge monster dong lmao). Tobi was fun to write because he fights his nature and his instincts, and kind of loses his sh*t in the process. Eli is a terrifying sadist with a penchant for sarcasm and I love writing banter. They’re all so awesome. YOU choose! LOL

What is your writing process? Show us a day (or week) in the life.

I have two young boys and a houseful of needy responsibilities. I fit in writing whenever and wherever I can (I’ve been known to bring my laptop to carpool, and once almost got caught writing a very particularly steamy bathroom scene from Progeny—y’all know which one—when a teacher walked up and peered in the window). Most of my writing gets done at night after the kids go to bed, which means I get an average of 4 hours of sleep a night.

What keeps you motivated to write?

My readers groups and friends that I’ve made along this journey. I have met the most amazing, encouraging people.

What do you do when you’re not writing?

Mom stuff, trying to keep up with my wild boys.

What subgenres or tropes are your favorites to read?

I would say that enemies to lovers or fated mates that fight it are my favorites to read.

Are you a cat person or a dog person?

Between the two, I’m a dog person. But only because my dog is the best dog to have ever dogged, and our cat is an idiot. Also I’m allergic to most cats.

What’s your reading drink and snack of choice?

Massive quantities of hot tea or coffee, and I have an addiction problem with Red Bull. I like to eat easy handheld stuff like cheese and crackers, gummy candies, and NUTELLA (with a spoon, because I’m a lady)

Where is your perfect reading spot?

If I could manage to find a hammock or comfy place to lay, outside on a warm day with a cool breeze—that would be ideal. In real life—anywhere and everywhere that I can get five seconds of quiet.

What’s your favorite book, comfort re-read, or book you recommend to everyone?

I’m slightly obsessed with Jane Washington. I’ve reread The Tempest of Shadows series, Seraph Black, or Curse of the Gods probably a hundred times.

Who or what has had the most influence on you as a writer?

My friends—my bestie/soul sister Anne, my good friend and PA Darcy, and my friend/editor Raeleen, who was one of my first ever beta readers, are the most amazing supporters. They wouldn’t let me stop if I wanted to, not that I think I ever will.

I was also really inspired by Britt Andrew’s story—not just her success. I found her shortly after the first Emerald Lakes book came out. Back then I didn’t usually seek out authors on social media, but TikTok was a new thing and I loved the book so much that I wanted to check her out. Her story, specifically overcoming the pressures of being a mom to young children, really inspired me to try. I was going through a really tough time feeling that I’d lost who I was, not to mention parenting small children in a pandemic—I was struggling pretty hard. Getting back into writing, then gathering the courage to share what I wrote with my best friend, and then actually FINISHING and PUBLISHING—changed my life and saved it in many ways.

Where can readers find you online?

All of my book information and social media links can be found at Linktr.ee/RebeccaRathe—I have an amazing Facebook group and am fairly active on TikTok (I really like thirst traps and dirty teasers)

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