Emery Rachelle Writes

author of reverse harem and LGBTQ+ fantasy romance

September 4, 2022

Author Interview: K.R. Rainbolt

Tell us a little about yourself: your background, random fun facts, how you first started writing, how long you’ve been writing.

Well, I was born and raised in the Wyoming Rocky Mountains! I’m a lover of cake, suits, and of course reading. A fun fact about me: I once rang the bell at a professional wrestling match (while sitting between the Bella Twins!) I’ve been writing for as long as I’ve been reading, which is pretty much since I could read!

My first story, which I do still hope to finish one day, was a space opera!

Tell us about your upcoming/recently released book – what it’s about, what inspired the book/series, what you’re excited about, spice level.

My upcoming novel (or just my novel by the time of this blog, which is really strange to think about) Of Glass and Lavender follows a woman that is dealing with amnesia. Aaliyah woke up in a grave a few months before the start of the story, with no memories, and only the scars on her skin and her best friend (a ghost with a sass complex) to guide her. It follows her as she tries to find out who, and what, she is all while unraveling her past along the way. After a rather tense encounter, she ends up at the house of the Vivas Crypt, a powerful group of Vampires that are infamous in the area for their cold nature and reclusive ways. They’re drawn to her blood, and they just might be her last chance at making it through her ailment alive. They agree to help each other, but none of them could have ever expected how their journey would go. From there … who could say. You may just have to jump in and find out what happens next!

If you like tortured heroines, with equally tortured heroes, and a bond that grows and deepens as the story progresses, then it’s probably for you.

As for what inspired me, I’d say I have a few books to thank for that, as well as a few shows. I’m among the crowd that would always watch a show and wonder why the hell the girl had to choose between the two love interests (looking at you Sookie and Elena, looking at you…). So I’m striving to make sure my readers don’t have to pick.

I also got a lot of inspiration from my fellow authors. Erica Woods was a huge motivator for me, as I read her book Hunted just shortly after I finished my first draft. The way she weaves words is something I have aspired toward. My best friend Sarah also wrote a book, an amazing dark dystopian novel, and I remember talking to her when we were just kids about doing just that … and I knew I wanted to follow in her footsteps. She wrote and published an amazing book, and I think that helped me finally get off my ass and go for it!

For what I’m most excited about, I’d say I’m so, so, so excited for people to love these characters as I do. The characters of any book or show have always been my favorite part of nearly any story, and I hope that if you remember anything from my novel, it’s the characters.

When it comes to spice, I’m a slow burn kind of woman. So book one is a slow burn with simmering tension … Book 2 though, that’s where things get interesting (and saucy 😉).

Who is your favorite character in your book? Why?

This is such a hard question for me!! I mentioned above that characters are the backbone of any story for me, and so when I was crafting my boys and Aaliyah, I did my best to make all of them diverse and real. For me, I love Osiris’s devotion to his family, and Adrian’s quick wit and banter that always brightens the mood, Eirik’s endless patience and his ability to go above and beyond to bring comfort when Aaliyah needs it. Fallon’s cold disposition that can be broken through with enough time, and chocolate. I could go on, and on… But if I had to pick just one. I’ll always say Prince.

He’s got wit, he’s got depth, he’s got a devilish smile and expressive eyes. He helps Aaliyah when she falls and is always there for her. His devotion, his love, and his grit have really always been aspects that I adore. He manages to steal my heart every time I reread Of Glass and Lavender, and he does so without ever saying a word.

What is your writing process? Show us a day (or week) in the life.

I find it varies from day to day! Sometimes I manage to get 10,000 words down in one sitting, or edit 5 chapters without breaking a sweat. Other times, I struggle to even open my draft. More often than not, I write little notes down as ideas come to me. Sometimes it’s just a line or a string of dialogue, sometimes it’s an entire scene. Then I go back, and write them into whatever I’m working on at the time!

I’m half pantser, half planner, with most of my planning coming in with the outline … then the panster half of me throws most of that outline to the wind, only using it as a general guide as I write along.

What keeps you motivated to write?

Mostly my own will to read. I took the idea of ‘write what you want to read’ and ran off into the sunset with it. Often times I’m motivated because I want to experience something a certain way that I haven’t found in another book yet.

I can also thank some really good friends of mine, who are always asking me when they can get their little goblin hands on the next book (they are the best lol). That helps me keep moving as well!

What do you do when you’re not writing?

Read is a big one that I’m sure you saw coming! But along with that, I also love playing video games (more single-player than multiplayer, but I do find time to run a few games of League with my boo). I also watch TV shows (or spooky movies) with my friendos!

Currently I’m re-watching True Blood with one, and going to be starting Sandman with another, which I must say I am beyond excited for!

What subgenres or tropes are your favorites to read?

Man, I am a SUCKER for the abused heroine. Not sure what it is about it, but a woman dealing with a troubled past, then coming out stronger for it, with guys that are there to help her through it? That gets me every time. I also love the ‘big guy tiny girl’ trope a LOT. It brings me great joy. Besides that, I love most tropes! I haven’t really found anything that I haven’t been willing to give a try!

Are you a cat person or a dog person?

Tough, but I think cat at the moment! They are just so chill. Mine likes to sit on my desk while I write and get some good scritches. She’s the most adorable thing, I swear! Her name is Marlie, and I’ll attach a cat tax so you can see her too!

What’s your reading drink and snack of choice?

For the drink, tea. Hands down. Though I always struggle to drink it while it’s hot, as I tend to get distracted! For my snack, I can never seem to get enough of lifesaver mints! I eat them like candy while I write.

Where is your perfect reading spot?

My perfect reading spot is my bed! I can be comfortable, I likely don’t have to wear pants, really everything that I could ask for!

What’s your favorite book or #1 comfort re-read?

OOOOooooo this is very tough! I have quite a few comfort reads, but if I had to pick JUST ONE, I’d say Hunted by Erica Woods. It’s not finished yet, but damn, whenever I’m feeling down I’ll pick it up and give it a read again. Fantastic reading, with loveable characters, not to mention the plot and story building are PHENOMENAL. Gah, I could gush all day about it!

Who or what has had the most influence on you as a writer?

My best friend has been a huge motivation for me! As I mentioned, we wrote a lot when we were kids, and I remember sitting on her trampoline and just talking about our stories for hours. Stuff like that still keeps me going when I’m struggling with an idea, or a story. I know I can always call and talk to her if I need some advice or just someone to talk to. She really is the best.

Where can readers find you online?

Many places! I’ll list all of them for you! Linktree (for all of them): https://linktr.ee/k.r.rainboltauthor

You can also reach out to my email: k.r.rainbolt.contact@gmail.com

Feel free to stalk me/reach out to me if you ever want to chat! I love hearing from people (it brings me immeasurable amounts of serotonin).

Interviews, Special Guests 2 Replies to “Author Interview: K.R. Rainbolt”
Emery Rachelle
Emery Rachelle


2 thoughts on “Author Interview: K.R. Rainbolt

    Author’s gravatar

    Thank you so much for the interview! It was a lot of fun!

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