January 29, 2023

Author Interview: AJ Mullican

Tell us about yourself.

I grew up mostly in Alabama, but I am not a typical Southern girl. I can’t stand country music or iced tea. But I do have a tendency to slip into a drawl when I get tired, and when I’m around other Southerners my accent slips out. I started writing in about 2014 and published my first novel, Whispers of Death, in 2015. I had written dozens of poems and short stories prior to that, and some coworkers liked my serial killer flash fiction so much they convinced me to turn it into a book. The final result is way different than what it started as, but I think the end product was much better than those early attempts. When I’m not writing, I like to hand embroider and fence with live (blunted) steel. I’m active in the Society for Creative Anachronism and spend a lot of time in the “modern middle ages.”

Tell us about your recent/upcoming books.

I have a duet, The Heirs of the Flame Gods duet. The first book, Wolves’ Dominion, released December 20, and it’s a Sapphic fantasy romance. Slow burn, but still with spice! I’ve written LGBT characters before, but women loving women and fantasy are new subgenres for me. I usually write paranormal romance in a contemporary setting or contemporary romance, with characters that are often bi, gay, or poly. I also have a dystopian sci-fi series set in the future, so for a fantasy world with no ties to the present world, it’s pretty different! You can’t just pull from real life; you have to generate an entire world/setting from scratch. Book two, Panthers’ Reign, releases February 21.

Who is your favorite character in your book/series? Why?

Hmm… That’s a tough one, but I’d have to say, for the Heirs of the Flame Gods duet, it would have to be Cara, the main character for the first book. She’s strong and powerful, but at the same time she’s got a naivete to her, as well as a vulnerability brought on by her upbringing. She’s resilient, but events will test her.

What is your writing process? Show us a day (or week) in the life.

I’m 90% pantser, maybe 5% planner, and 5% of me sort of knows what’s going on, but it has no control over the characters and their own free will. I start with a concept, then the story evolves from there. Sometimes I make up names on the fly, while others I’ll spend hours searching for the perfect fit.

Because of the weird early-a.m. insomnia I have developed, I tend to write in the wee hours before work. I’ll get five or so hours of sleep, then wake up and be completely unable to fall back asleep—so to the computer I go! I’ll turn on some music and let the words flow. I also do a lot of my “administrative” author duties during these hours, often spending time making graphics for promotional purposes, updating my website, etc. Then I go off to my “9-5” and shut off the author brain until I’m back home.

What keeps you motivated to write?

Deadlines! haha Seriously, it’s the drive to create. That internal nagging of the Muse!

What do you do when you’re not writing?

As I mentioned, I have the day job, plus the SCA. Until a couple years ago, I had fenced pretty heavily in the SCA, fighting my friends with real steel swords. I had to stop when I gained weight, but I’m on track to get back to it in the next six months or so. I also love watching movies and TV when time permits.

What subgenres or tropes are your favorites to read?

I love reading in my “home” genres of paranormal romance and dystopian! Some of my favorite tropes are fated mates and cinnamon roll MMCs.

Are you a cat person or a dog person?

Cat person primarily. I have two Maine coon mixes who seem to think they’re dogs. They follow my husband and me around the house all the time, and they prefer to spend time with us in the same room, as opposed to the stereotypical “aloof” cat behavior.

What’s your reading drink and snack of choice?

I like to have coffee nearby when I’m reading, either hot or iced. As for snacks, I recently had gastric bypass surgery, so I don’t really snack much anymore. Something light, with plenty of protein. Maybe some cheese or nuts.

Where is your perfect reading spot?

I have a super comfortable couch from Ikea that I’ve commandeered the chaise on. I have my little reading/writing “nest” there, with a fuzzy blanket and my computer.

What’s your favorite book / comfort re-read / book you recommend?

My “favorite” book is in constant flux, because I never know when I’m going to read something bigger and better! But my go-to for recommendations is Darynda Jones and her Charley Davidson series. I love those books!

Who or what has had the most influence on you as a writer?

Darynda Jones and Patricia Briggs have definitely had huge impacts on my writing! Also the superhero genre as a whole; I’m a huge fan of the Marvel movies and comics.

Where can readers find you online?

The main place is my website, where I have tons of info and links! ajmullican.com 

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