October 9, 2022

Author Interview: Addison Carter

Tell us a little about yourself!

Hey, I’m Addison, but most just call me Addy. I’m from the UK, the south coast of England to be precise, where I live with my small human. Growing up I always wanted to write, but I never knew how to make that life for myself. A couple of years ago I found a group of indie authors who were sharing self-publishing tips, and after researching for days on end, I realised that I could do it if I really put my mind to it. And here we are, a handful of published works under my belt and plenty of fun ideas to come.

Tell us about your most recent book.

My most recent release is Enchanted Lyrics. It’s a rockstar RH set in Brighton. Enchanted Lyrics is the first instalment of the muse series, which will be made up of 4 connecting standalones. The idea being that there should be something for everyone in the series.

The next instalment will be Bitter Riff, an age-gap MF which will be released on October 19th.
The series was inspired by my own experiences in the music world as music has been such a heavy influence in my life from such a young age. If I wasn’t such an anxious little bean, I’d probably have pursued a career in the music industry.
Each book in the series has plenty of spicy, but also loads of plot.

Who is your favorite character in your book/series? Why?

Should I really answer this? Am I allowed to have a favourite… it’s absolutely not the beautiful bastard lead singer of One Last Time. Nope. He isn’t everything I could ever want and need in a man…

What is your writing process? Show us a day (or week) in the life.

My writing process is very well planned, yet equally chaotic. I get through it all with countless cups of tea, and generally end up writing into the early hours. No two days are the same, but hopefully one day there will be a little less chaos.

What keeps you motivated to write?

The ideas, my characters, and my daughter. Oh and my best friend who will gladly tell me off if I don’t write. My characters are very loud, so this helps with the motivation, but they are also impatient, which is less helpful. My daughter enjoys telling me that I should be writing when I’m binge-watching kids films with her. But there is also the push to always be a good role model to her. I want to show her that following your dreams is something you should always try to do.

What do you do when you’re not writing?

When I’m not writing I’m usually baking with my daughter, catching up on my endless TBR, and occasionally doing a puzzle.

What subgenres or tropes are your favorites to read?

I love to read almost all romance. Anything with a hea or hfn. I’m a complete mood reader, but the majority of my go to authors write romantic suspense. I only have one real preference, and that is no fade to black. Oh, and I’m a bit of a sucker for enemies to lovers.

Are you a cat person or a dog person?

I’m an all animal kinda girl. Except fish. Fish creep me the heck out! Although if I really had to pick, I’d probably say I’m a cat person, I like their independence, and they’re lowkey arseholes.

What’s your reading drink and snack of choice?

Tea. Always Tea. Specifically Yorkshire tea, 1 sugar, splash of oat milk. I’m a bit alternator with snacks, once I’ve had something sweet I need to chase it with something savoury. Quite often I’ll be munching on a bag of sweet and salted popcorn.

Where is your perfect reading spot?

I didn’t think I had one, until I ended up in a slump and found that I could only read in my bed. So I guess it’s there. Although in my head my perfect spot would be in a big cosy armchair, beside a fire in the middle of winter, in a secluded cabin.

What’s your favorite book, comfort re-read, or #1 book you recommend to everyone?

My comfort read that I would rec to everyone is the Maddison Kate series by Tate James. The series dragged me out of a really dark place, and will always mean so much to me.

Where can readers find you online?


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