Emery Rachelle Writes

author of reverse harem and LGBTQ+ fantasy romance

November 17, 2019

NaNo check in: midpoint

Why does life never do anything you want it to?

So, we’re about halfway through NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, aka the month millions of writers lose their minds trying to write 50,000 words/a whole book in one month). Mine… is not going so well.

I had a pretty great start actually, writing over 2,000 words in each of my first sessions. By writing right at midnight each night, I felt basically a day ahead, since bedtime for me is more like 2 a.m. these days.

Except then I missed a couple days. Every NaNoer knows this is the death knell of our manuscripts.

Not all hope is lost! Until the stroke of midnight November 30, there’s always time to (try to) catch up. But I have also hit an unexpected obstacle.

I have major feels.

Writing can be an emotional process for anyone, and since I’d already made myself laugh and cry writing this story before*, I knew this work would be special. But no tears in the writer, no tears in the reader, right? Making myself feel all the things meant, in theory, that it would be an even better reading experience.

*(Yeah, I’m a rebel who chose an existing book for NaNo words, sue me.)

Except this is my first time writing a whole book based on a real-life story, and it was a very turbulent story to live through. Writing it a year later has turned out to be more of a challenge than I anticipated (which is mostly probably just poor thinking on my part).

I’m not giving up. I still plan to give my all to crossing that finish line at the end of the month and claiming my first NaNo victory. I just may need a little more chocolate, wine, tissues, and Netflix breaks than previously scheduled.

Root for me, pray for me, send me all the good vibes. Imma need ’em.

Life Updates, Writing One Reply to “NaNo check in: midpoint”
Emery Rachelle
Emery Rachelle


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