November 20, 2022

Author Interview: Micca Michaels

Tell us a little about yourself.

Hi, my name is Micca, (pronounced Mee-kah) Michaels. That is a pen name I chose to use. I like my actual name as much as most people like their own name. I just felt it wasn’t catchy, I guess is the term I’m looking for.

Funny and serious story about how and why I started writing: I started as an Alpha/Beta reader for some amazing authors, but one had more impact on me and my life than the others. Elizabeth Knight, who I also refer to as my author momma. (All this took place at the beginning of 2021.) I was in her Alpha/Beta chat a few weeks after I’d had my third stroke. Let me explain that. When E found out I’d had a stroke and was struggling with depression, recovery, pain and everything else you can think of, she made me cry in the best of ways. I received autographed books, swag, notes of encouragement and even gourmet cupcakes, all to cheer me up. Well, it did that to say the least and even sparked my physical therapy. Now, to this day I was able to get back into chat. All the support and congratulations I received was amazing.

Some time later I was talking about this character that I had invented years ago and how I’d written a few books, but never thought of myself as a writer. Well, let me tell you. Not only did E want to read more about this particular character, but so did another Beta reader. She wanted to read about her so bad that she “author-napped” me. That’s the best way I can put it. Before I knew or realized what was happening, I had an Alpha team, a PA and I’m being begged to write the series, so I did. That series is the Dire Secrets Series. My Alpha team is pretty much the same and I love them and would be lost without them. I have a new PA and I love her to death. So, serious because my health was very bad, but funny because something I never expected, saved my life, writing and my friends.

Tell us about your upcoming book.

My next release is this coming December and I’m excited and nervous about it, but not for the reasons you’d think. A Tethered Chrysalis is a contemporary, reverse harem/why choose with a twist and, yes, a cliffhanger. I’m known for them. ATC, as I like to call it, is about a woman named Brooklyn that’s just had enough of her small town pity looks and horrible memories. She finally decides to take control of her life, instead of it controlling her. She gets her dream job of being a nanny and finds out a group of recently retired military men come with this job. Even they can’t protect her from her past or it coming after her. She has to burst out of her cocoon and protect the one person that means everything, the little girl that’s grown on her, and the men she’s starting to fall for. The twist is the cliffhanger and book 2, Wings of Rapture. Wings of Rapture is paranormal, reverse harem/why choose. Nothing like the ultimate betrayal to get you motivated. There are a lot of trigger warnings for A Tethered Chrysalis. It has dark elements and I don’t want anyone triggered because of a story. 

The Dire Secrets Series ended up being a sixteen-month project. After releasing Dire Secrets and Dire Confessions, I learned there were a lot of issues with the editing and the formatting. I hired a new editor, Ashley Hankins, and she’s simply amazing. I ended up rewriting those two books, all while book three sat there finished but not fully ready for release, and this was coming down close to my release date. The amount of coffee and cookies I went through for a few months was insane. Those are still my go-to snack and drink while writing. After releasing Dire Secrets and Dire Confessions, we tackled Dire Consequences, the final book, to make sure it was perfect. So far as a writer that was the hardest hit to my pride and the best lesson I’ve learned so far.

I do consider myself a PNR RH author, but I do want to expand out of that genre. I have an Omegaverse MPreg in the works. I’ve recently started what’s turning into a Seeley/Unseeley story. I also have books that I’m working on where the FMC is blind, one is mute. I fully believe anyone can be a strong female main character and I want to express that in my books if and when I can.

The most fun I’ve had writing was the co-write with Tami Payton. A Hot Sulphur Springs Reverse Harem Duet was so much fun, we’re actually going through each book revising them. I was a new author, and Tami fit in the co-write with her busy schedule, so we think we could have done a bit of a better job. That’s a side project for us, and I’m sure when everything is ready to be relaunched, we’ll let everyone know. Our PAs are simply amazing.

Who is your favorite character in your book/series? Why?

My favorite character out of all of my books would have to be, well, all of them. Each character I’ve created I put a lot of time into building. Even side characters, because you never know where the story may go, at least it works that way for me. I know of authors that can sit down with their idea and write out an entire timeline of how the book should or will play out. I can’t do that. I get an idea and start typing. Once I see a direction, I do invest in world building, character building, and so on. The story (or my muse) dictates where it goes and how the story will play out. On top of all that, I can’t write one book at a time. I’m usually writing three to five books at a time. I use notebooks for each book. Everything about the characters, the world they’re in and so on are in these notebooks. Yes, I have lost one to my 22-year-old daughter spilling coffee all over it and yes, I about cried.

What do you do when you’re not writing?

When I’m not at my desk writing, I’m taking care of my other half and our home and waiting for my daughter to bring me our first and only grandson. He’s three months old and a ham. His giggle is sweet, and his expressions speak volumes. He has the greatest ‘WTF Mom’ look I’ve ever seen. I love to cook and take care of my home. I’m blessed that I can stay home while Mike works. He has an amazing career that allows me to be at home. I went from a stay-at-home mom doing the school things and all those activities to an empty nester. Mike and I enjoy being alone, but when our kids need us, home is always here for them.

Are you a cat person or a dog person?

I love all animals, but they don’t feel the same. I’m highly allergic to cats. Well, it’s not the cat itself, it’s cat saliva and well, we know how cats love to groom themselves, so no kitty for me. I am a dog person, but sadly lost my fur baby a year ago October 22. I don’t know if we’ll ever adopt another dog. Happie was in our lives for ten years. When he passed, more than just our immediate family was affected. Old friends of our youngest daughter messaged me about Happie, and we may not have spoken for years before this. He was very loved.

Where can readers find you online?

One of my favorite things in the world is being privately messaged through Facebook and yelled at/complemented. I’ve had readers message me with, “OMG, how could you, you’re mean but I love it.” or “I hate you so much right now, but I love you and when is book two coming out.” Anyone who would like to travel along with me on my writing journey is more than welcome to. I have a Linktree, and you can find me anywhere and everywhere through that. All of my books are available on KU, 1-click and Amazon.

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