Emery Rachelle Writes

author of reverse harem and LGBTQ+ fantasy romance

January 8, 2020

2020 Goals

Hello 2020!

A new year, a new decade, a lot of new plans for many people — including myself. I promised during the holidays to share more of my plans for 2020 with you all later. Let’s dive in!

Personal goals

One thing I prioritized in 2019 was sketching out a five-year life plan. That plan has already changed dramatically over several months of putting it together, but at least I have one.

Noteworthy items on 2020 (a.k.a. Year One)’s list include:

  • Get a local chiropractor (just scheduled an appointment this week, actually)
  • Reach a livable income level
  • Publish six books
  • Win NaNoWriMo
  • Learn to change a tire
  • Learn to drive stick shift
  • Finish half of my 100 Books list (add me on GoodReads to follow my progress!)
  • Start volunteering somewhere locally (maybe church, the library, or an LGBTQ center)

Writing goals

In the past, I’ve always intentionally treated writing as a hobby. That’s worked well for me and my craft. I enjoyed writing as an escape from life and went through stretches of intense inspiration as well as weeks without any creative output. That approach was the best fit for my life then.

This year, things are changing. In 2020 and the new decade, I plan to make writing fiction my full-time career, and I’m getting serious about the business of doing so successfully.

The goals that will help me do that include, every day Monday-Friday:

  • Writing 5,000 words
  • 1-2 hours editing
  • 1-2 hours networking, planning, research, and/or marketing
  • 1 hour reading (blog posts and audiobooks count) — this is the easiest part!

Since the most I’d ever written in one day before hovered somewhere under 5,000 (I think — I didn’t keep track in high school), this is an adjustment. My first day “clocked in” made it to 3,982. But in three days, I did write almost 15,000 words. I still can’t believe those numbers. This is a great start!

If you want more details, my plans include…


110,000 total word count goal. Finish the first drafts of my three-book young adult romance series Love in the Cornfields, and prepare the outlines for my next series.


100,000 word count goal. Finish the first two books in my next series, and prepare the outline for series #3.


110,000 word count. Finish last two books of next series. Edit the Love in the Cornfields series, and schedule/hire a professional editor to send the manuscripts later. Send the series to critique/beta readers.


110,000 word count. Make beta readers’ suggested changes to Love in the Cornfields series, and submit to editor. Schedule proofreader for Love in the Cornfields. Finish writing the first two books in series #3, and prepare outlines and notes for series #4.


100,000 word count. Implement professional editor’s changes to Love in the Cornfields and send to proofreader. Hire formatter for the series. Edit series #2 and schedule professional editor. Finish writing series #3, and start writing series #4. Prepare website, blog, and email list for Love in the Cornfields summer launch.


110,000 word count. Send Love in the Cornfields to formatter, and finalize cover designs for the series. Send series #2 to beta readers and make their suggested changes. Finish writing next two books of series #4. Schedule and arrange marketing plans for Love in the Cornfields summer launch.

And onward…

Summer 2020 will see the release of the Love in the Cornfield series, followed by my next YA series in fall and winter 2020. By the end of the year, I’ll have completed at least the first drafts of five series total, with series #3 preparing for release in winter/spring 2021. My 2020 total word count should reach well beyond one million words. I’ve already got plans laid out for the first few months of next year as well.

Obviously, this is a very packed schedule. A lot is riding on my ability to write maaaaany words quickly and efficiently, while also juggling editing, marketing, freelancer HR, and project management. And this is just my new day job! I’ll still be doing all that behind-the-scenes life work like going to the grocery store, doing dishes, walking the dog, and trying to have a social life.

On paper, this looks daunting. I believe I have both the drive and environment I need to make it happen. For the first time since I graduated college, I have the two things I’ve been seeking: a purpose that feels fulfilling (writing stories) and a home that nurtures my needs (stable place, supportive boyfriend-slash-roommate, dog sidekick).

I know I’m starting the year in a very unusual and unexpected mid-winter manic episode, and I’m grateful for that. Mania has its problems (my sleep is totally shot this week), but it does motivate me creatively like nothing else. I’m learning to embrace and lean into my waves rather than try (and fail) to control them.

I also know I’ll hit periods of depression and frustration as the year progresses, both with my bipolar disorder and as the demands of this new publishing plan ramp up over time. But these plans and goals are built on some of my biggest dreams, dreams I never dared to really entertain before now. That is greater motivation than I think I’ve ever had in my life.

Plans can change. The amazing part about self-publishing and working from home is that my publishing schedule can be altered to fit my unique health and life needs. I’m hoping I can stick to the plan as it stands now, but if I can’t, it’s not the end of the world. I’ll adjust, re-calibrate, and keep moving forward.

I’m optimistic for the new year. I really do think this will be my decade.

Thank you, my lovely readers, for being here and supporting my work as I plunge ahead.

Life Updates, Lists, Writing One Reply to “2020 Goals”
Emery Rachelle
Emery Rachelle


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